The services we offer include:

Initial Psychiatric Evaluation:

This process gathers information for the patient to make a diagnosis. Typically, it involves the patient answering a series of questions asked by the provider. Also, based on the patient's symptoms, the provider may order lab tests

In-office/Telepsych Visits:

To offer in-office visits where the patient makes an appointment and meets with the provider to discuss a new or existing health condition. Also, we provide the same visits using virtual means, such as video calls.

Medication Management and Follow-Up:

To engage with patients and their caregivers to ensure appropriate and effective administration and use of all prescribed medications. We also conduct follow up in the form of regular medical checkups, which may include a physical exam, mental health exam, and blood tests, to reduce the risk of undesirable events and enhance positive health outcomes.


Our professionals also assist Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner students in meeting personal and course objectives through guidance, training, and supervision.


To treat mental health problems using an approach where the patient talks with a psychiatrist to identify different moods, feelings, thoughts and behaviors. We provide three main types of psychotherapy:

Individual Therapy - where our trained professional helps a single person work through personal issues they have been facing.
Group Therapy - where our trained psychiatric professionals lead a group of about 5 to 8 patients.
Family Therapy - where our trained professionals help family members improve communication and resolve conflicts.